【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

2014-12-20 12:51
【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

@SounDoer:来自 SoundWorks Collection 的视频,关于如何创造电影哥斯拉(Godzilla)中的声音,采访了 E2 声音设计团队的 Erik Aadahl 和 Ethan Van der Ryn。原文地址:http://soundworkscollection.com/videos/the-sound-of-godzilla

In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection sound profile Michael Coleman talks with Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designer Erik Aadahl and Supervising Sound Editor Ethan Van der Ryn about the sound of Director Gareth Edwards Godzilla.
This 45-minute conversation covers the creative and technical process that the sound team of E2 (e2sound.com) pursued to create the dark and powerful sound of the king of all monsters, Godzilla.Dr. Ichiro Serizawa - "I think Godzilla was only listening. The MUTO was calling something else."
E² is a sound design team dedicated to the art of sound. Founders, Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl, are responsible for the sound design and sound editing of the TRANSFORMERS and KUNG FU PANDA films. Other credits include the LORD OF THE RINGS series and THE TREE OF LIFE. Together they have garnered 7 Oscar nominations and 2 wins.Special thanks to Legendary Studios and Warner Bros. Studio

【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

1. 主要使用了各种拟音道具(Foley Props)发出的声音,而非动物叫声,来作为处理素材;
2. 使用了可以录制超过五倍于人耳听音频率上限的特殊话筒,并在后期将素材“Slow Down”来重现本来无法感知的频段;
3. Worldizing,一种由大师 Walter Murch 发明的声音设计方法,即在目标空间内使用扬声器重放某声音并再次录制,以获取真实的空间感;
4. 在影片尚未正式拍摄前,声音团队就已经按照 Previous Sequence(CG样片)开展声音设计工作了,有一年多的时间用来搜集各种需要的声音素材;
5. 为怪兽创造声音,即赋予它灵魂、情感和历史,让观众能对怪兽特定情绪的表达有所共鸣;
6. 没有最好,只有更好,关键在于如何 Make A Decision;
7. 对于某些特殊场合和特殊道具的录音,尽量要做到全面详尽,OverRecord;
8. 为小孩创造应景的环境,以此来提高他们表演的真实感;
9. The ingredient of Godzilla's roar will remain secret.

【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

【SounDoer】怪兽之王哥斯拉 The Sound of Godzilla

SounDoer - Focus On Sound Design
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