RED Scarlet最新消息,样片素材已出

2011-06-08 16:13
RED Scarlet最新消息,样片素材已出
传说中的 RED Scarlet会越来越诱人——现在,已经有人上传了一些Scarlet在hairy lighting设置时拍摄的120fps素材。它看起来让人印象深刻。
RED Scarlet基本上可以说是RED Epic的初级版本,RED Epic搭载了S35传感器(接近APS-C尺寸)。RED Scarlet被公布时,说是很可能也配有S35传感器(被称Scarlet S35)。现在的Scarlet则只是搭载了一个较小的图像传感器,更类似一个摄录一体机,缺乏电影感的景深效果。不过,如果你看样片素材,你就会发现出了这机器其他方面都挺不错的。
The fabled RED Scarlet just keeps getting sexier – particularly now that they’ve uploaded some 120fps footage shot with a Scarlet prototype in a hairy lighting setup. It looks quite impressive.  Now if they’ll just bring it to market without another price increase…
For those unfamiliar, the RED Scarlet is essentially the junior version of the RED Epic, which sports an S35 sensor (close to APS-C sized).  When it was first announced, the Scarlet was supposed to be available with an S35 sensor (dubbed the Scarlet S35).  Those plans were altered when RED announced it was renaming the Scarlet S35 as the Epic Light. Now, the Scarlet model(s) appear that they will only sport a smaller image sensor more akin to a camcorder and, thus, lacks the ability to get that cinematic-looking depth of field. However, if you watch the sample footage, you’ll note that it does other things very well.
You can download the 720p version of the Quicktime over on the RED User forums.
来源: Scarlet最新消息,样片素材已出
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