THE NEWF 消息,索尼将发布4K F5活F55摄影机,新的编码,售价在22000-25000美金
前几天有网友聊到,索尼10月30日发布的F5摄影机将采用 XAVC新编码,今天在海外很多论坛又传出索尼 THE NEWF 发布会最新消息,索尼将会发布4K摄影机,命名为F5或者F55,同时也会发布新的新的R5记录仪,采用的记录卡记录4K RAW.

50 Mbps XDCam @ 422
80 Mbps XAVCHD @ 422
120 Mbps iframe compressed not XD Cam
220 Mbps “SR” @ 422 (only on new “SxS Raw+” Memory cards…. these are new!)
You can only record the full 4k frame with the R5 SR Recorder, otherwise you will record windowed footage.
120 frames per second in HD (1080), codec: XAVCHD

50 Mbps XDCam @ 422
80 Mbps XAVCHD @ 422
120 Mbps iframe compressed not XD Cam
220 Mbps “SR” @ 422 (only on new “SxS Raw+” Memory cards…. these are new!)
You can only record the full 4k frame with the R5 SR Recorder, otherwise you will record windowed footage.
120 frames per second in HD (1080), codec: XAVCHD
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