
2012-09-11 10:51

(本片入选第6屆北京獨立電影节(BIFF)The 6th Beijing Independent Film Festival 2011)

(本片荣获第24届哈尔滨冰雪电影节触电单元“短片导演风格大奖” Harbin Film Festival)

(本片获第5届土豆影像节中影单元最佳导演“金种子”“独立精神奖”提名Tudou Video festival2012)






The story takes place just around us, it is in the current China. The Heroes are two migrant-works - Xu Gang and Jiang Xiao-jie who are warmhearted migrant workers from countryside. They work in a same construction site. Once they were assigned by their boss to work in an off site. When they passed Qing Long Wan nearby, they encountered an old fishing man named Chen Han-hua falling into the river, the two men jumped into the river quickly to save the old man without hesitation. The old man was rescued onto the shore by them, unfortunately they, themselves were drowned in the river due to the rapid swelling.

After the death of the two men, a series of uncontrollable changes have taken place within the members (Xu Gang’s wife Liu Fang and his child - Xiao Min; Jiang Xiao-jie’s girl friend Tian Jia and Jiang’s elder brother Jiang He) of the two families.

The movie neither celebrates the courageous and noble action, nor avoid the status of changing moral and ethical society at present. Only in the way of re-telling story, and in particular, by accurate perspective, to discuss the relationship of the ethical structure between nobleness and real life. And it just attempts to disclose the dense fog throughout the theory of “traditional moral decline”, “utilitarian” and “blinded by greed”; and discuss the human’s care given by the individual in the face of extreme moral dilemmas in the current society. The story is told simply rather than to demonstrate the issue of noble and self-interest. What we have seen is a positive moral choice before an ordinary family and the most authentic spiritual experience, rather than rhetoric talk that nothing to do with oneself, or taking no choice in foreordination.

You will have your own answer after seeing the movie, which only provides a premise for the event and logical environment for thinking.
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