
Radiant Images put 16 of the latest digital cinema cameras to the test with the help of David Stump, ASC. Each camera was tested and evaluated for under exposure, over exposure, color rendition, green screen, and an extended low light test. Our comprehensive testing enables filmmakers to evaluate and choose cameras and lenses based on visual comparisons rather than technical specifications.
16种摄影机,每个摄影机在曝光、 显色性、 绿屏、 低光等方面进行测试。使电影制片人来评价和选择摄影机有一个基于视觉的比较,而不是技术参数。

Arri Alexa Mini (00:21)
Arri Amira (03:27)
Arri Alexa Pro Res (06:39)
Arri Alexa Arriraw (09:44)
Black Magic Ursa (12:26)
Canon C300 MKII (17:19)
Canon C500 (21:58)
Red Dragon (25:57)
Red Weapon Skin Tone OLPF (30:11)
Red Weapon Low Light OLPF (33:20)
Sony A7RII (36:48)
Sony A7S (39:41)
Sony F55 (43:23)
Sony F65 (47:53)
Sony FS7 (50:53)
Panasonic Varicam 35 (55:15)
Side by side (01:03:34)
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