重大新闻!!!佳能EOS 7DMARK II自动对焦的问题

2015-05-11 17:55

    最近,佳能(海外)承认了EOS 7D MARK IId的自动对焦问题。但却没有正式告诉广大消费者,本次问题佳能是否可以通过固件更新或还是需要消费者带着相机去服务中心解决。但目前有消息说通过固件升级解决这个问题的可能性很大,但是问题尚未完全解决。
重大新闻!!!佳能EOS 7DMARK II自动对焦的问题

    We’re told by a couple of people that Canon has internally acknowledged an autofocus issue with the EOS 7D Mark II. No official announcement will be made by Canon until they determine whether or not the issue can be resolved with a firmware update or if it will require the camera to visit a service center. All signs point to the former, but the issue has yet to be fully resolved.There was no mention whether or not the AF issue affects all cameras,and we don’t want to speculate on this either.
    More to come…
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