
2011-05-26 00:17

刚看到国外网站介绍,RED 针对美国用户开展大型活动,好像这种活动挺不错,为嘛中国没有,下文是活动介绍:

REDucation Open House Theater Schedule


"Adobe will showcase its native EPIC support (via a soon-to-be-released Adobe Labs plugin) and 

Red Rocket support within Production Premium CS 5.5.  See how our new Source Settings 

panel in After Effects and Premiere Pro can read and write RMD data and emulate all of the 

typical adjustments within REDCINE-X, along with improvements in our user interface.  We'll also 

discuss HDR support, and time permitting, give a brief overview of key new features in 

Production Premium CS 5.5"


Come see the world's first Epic 5K, HDRx workflow in action with ASSIMILATE SCRATCH

• What are the benefits of shooting with Epic?

• In what ways is the finishing workflow different from RED M-X?

• How about the dailies and review workflow?

• What are the benefits of HDRx?

• What are the implications for Epic in stereo?

Presenter- Leandro Marini from Local Hero Post in Santa Monica


Review what STORM is and who STORM is for. The Foundry will be demonstrating STORMs 

use on-set including:

• Importing and organizing RED media

• Quality control of your media using both metadata and media playback

• Creating an assemble edit & generating dailies

• Preparing media for Post

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