智能家居商用案例 | 雅加达家具品牌Theory of Living展厅

2023-10-23 09:56
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Commercial Case of Smart Home | The Showroom of Theory of Living, a Furniture Brand from Jakarta

Theory of Living生活理论,是来自印尼的轻奢家具品牌。以极具设计感的家具作品妆点室内空间。其总部展厅位于印尼首都雅加达,以极具艺术感的展厅设计呈现家具作品之美,让客户沉浸式感受高端家居。

Theory of Living is a luxury furniture brand from Indonesia. It uses furniture and interior products with great designs to highlight interior spaces. Its headquarters showroom is located in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. It presents the aesthetics of furniture and interior products with a highly artistic showroom design, allowing customers to immerse themselves in high-end furnishings.

在现代家居设计中,家具软装、灯光氛围、智能场景,是构成空间美学的重要元素。Theory of Living展厅采用雷特全宅智能系统,打造独特的家居氛围,一键定制理想生活环境。

In modern home design, soft furnishings, lighting atmosphere, and smart scenes are important elements to create aesthetics in spaces. The showroom of Theory of Living uses LTECH whole-home smart system to create a unique home atmosphere and to customize an ideal living environment with one press. 



Superior intelligence brings

aesthetics to your life

当下,人们对于家居生活有着越来越高的美学追求,Theory of Living这类家具品牌因具备独特的设计理念而备受热捧。

Nowadays, people have an increasingly higher pursuit of aesthetics in their home life. The furniture brands like Theory of Living become a popular choice due to the unique design concepts.

雷特全宅智能系统通过蓝牙5.0 SIG Mesh技术组网,以L-Home APP就可以对所有蓝牙设备、所有灯效调试,省去了特殊布线的时间和用人成本。以更亲民的价格,打造稳定的IoT无线智能系统。雷特智能家居设备均具备中继功能,最大支持300个设备联动控制。更具备雷特独创的分布式场景储存黑科技,设备可存储高达200个本地场景,本地、云端双同步,使用更稳定。让用户可以随心营造符合心境的智慧场景。

LTECH whole house smart system runs via 5.0 SIG Mesh networking technology. All Bluetooth devices and lighting effects can be commissioned with the L-Home APP, saving the time and labor costs in special wiring. We create a stable smart IoT system at a more user-friendly price. LTECH smart home devices all have the relay function that supports linkage between max.300 devices. The smart devices are also equipped with LTECH’s pioneering distributed storage black technology that empowers up to 200 local scenes to store on devices. Local and cloud execution are in sync to ensure more stable connection and allow users to create smart scenes that suit their moods in the moments.


The showroom uses the LTECH 4-inch super panel. It comes with gateway functionality and has a built-in wired network port and Wi-Fi network access to realize remote control and a variety of functions. A composite system structure is built that combines distributed structure and master structure to bring together combination flexibility, robust functionality and expansibility.


LTECH whole house intelligence encompasses a full range of exquisite super smart panels that have won 9 international industrial design awards in total. They define the aesthetics of panels and suit different interior design styles.



The light of inspiration

creates the mystery of space


Light is invisible, but it can make the same space and the same thing show a completely different look. It can be said that light dominates the environment. The showroom uses LTECH super panel and LTECH Bluetooth 5.0 smart drivers to achieve a smart IoT control solution with huge stability.

同样采用国际标准的蓝牙SIG Mesh 5.0组网技术,获蓝牙联盟 Mesh组网技术认证,稳定性经过权威性认可;同时获中国强制性SRRC无线认证,符合国家无线电管理标准认证、中国强制性CCC安全认证等。可以适配市场上各类品牌灯具,让智能家居中灯光方案可以发挥更多创意。更可通过OTA在线升级,让产品常用常新,随时可以满足设计师的多样化需求。

The products in this solution also use the international standard Bluetooth SIG Mesh 5.0 networking technology and are compliant with the Bluetooth mesh networking specifications. They also obtained SRRC mandator wireless certificate and CCC mandatory certificate in China, which are compatible with various brands of lamps on the market and allow more creativity in smart home lighting solutions.The OTA online upgrade keeps the products always up-to-date to meet the diverse needs of designers at any time.

展厅中的卧室空间、吧台空间,皆以雷特超级面板配合蓝牙5.0调光台电源,实现多类调光场景的智控。通过手机L-home APP、超级面板触控等交互方式,实现远程智控灯光,秒让氛围感“变身”。

The bedroom space and bar space in the showroom are all equipped with LTECH super panels and Bluetooth 5.0 dimmable drivers to achieve smart control of multiple types of dimming scenarios. Through mobile L-home APP interaction and touch interaction with super panels, remote lighting control can be realized and the atmosphere can be "transformed" in seconds.



Quality lighting defines

healthy living environments

真正让现代人认可的人居美学,不仅具有观感意义上的美;更应该是利于人体健康的舒适居住环境。雷特全系蓝牙智能电源皆具备T-PWM百万级超深度调光技术,得以契合更丰富的照明场景和需求。更能打造星级酒店般的照明质感,调光全程无频闪,达到IEEE 1789高频豁免级别,打造健康、舒适的品质好光。

The aesthetics in living environments recognized by modern people should not only be visually stunning, but also be beneficial to human health and to comfortable living environments. The whole series of LTECH Bluetooth drivers are equipped with T-PWM million-level super depth dimming technology that fits diverse lighting scenarios and demands. The technology is also capable to deliver quality lighting like a star hotel's and produce flicker-free dimming across the range, which reaches the high-frequency exemption level and complies with the IEEE 1789. It helps create healthy, comfortable, and high-quality lighting.


Since the establishment, LTECH’s technical level has always been at the forefront of the intelligent lighting industry. We also actively respond to low-carbon environmental protection. The efficiency of LTECH Bluetooth 5.0 drivers reaches 93% and standby efficiency is less than 0.5W that complies with the EU's ErP directive.


LTECH has dived deep into the intelligent lighting industry for more than 20 years and keeps innovating intelligent lighting field.We successively developed three product lines-"LED Controller" , "Intelligent LED Driver" and "Smart Home" , which closely keep associated to provide the industry with one-stop intelligent lighting solutions.

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北京雷特世创科技有限公司(Beijing Videostar Co., Ltd.)始创立于一九九四年九月,是一家以广播级数字视频产品为基础,专业从事广播电视设备及现代化电教产品开发、生产、经营的高新技术企业。历经市场博弈现今也发展壮大成为国内具有相当规模的集设计、研发、制造、营销等一身的专业多媒体电视设备供应商之一。