2023上海国际智能家居展览会 | 首日震撼启幕 雷特人气势不可挡!

2023-08-30 08:48
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LTECH Gets Overwhelming Popularity on the Opening Day of Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023


Shanghai Smart Home Technology 2023, an influential smart home 3-day event (held on 29-31 August) kicks off today at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. LTECH brought the new robust products and technologies to this exhibition! 


Located at Hall W5, E12, LTECH booth gathers huge popularity and attracts renowned  industry experts. Next, let’s unveil those wonderful moments of the exhibition on the first day! 



Industry-recognized exquisite and versatile panel family

Winner of 9 international design awards + Gaining worldwide certification

雷特科技打造的高颜值、全系列超级智能面板,累积揽获9项国际设计大奖。产品均采用国际标准的蓝牙SIG Mesh 5.0组网技术,获蓝牙联盟 Mesh组网技术认证,稳定性经过权威性认可。同时获中国强制性SRRC无线认证,符合国家无线电管理标准认证、中国强制性CCC安全认证等,是内外兼修型的智能家居明星产品。本次在展会中更是再一次引发行业人士瞩目!

LTECH’s whole series of stunning smart panels have won 9 international design awards, which all use the international standard Bluetooth SIG Mesh 5.0 networking technology and are compliant with the Bluetooth mesh networking specifications. The smart panels also obtained SRRC mandatory wireless certificate and CCC mandatory certificate in China. They are considered both as exquisite and versatile celebrity smart home products that once again draw the attention of industry professionals. 

2023年,雷特科技推出旗舰级中控产品——Super Panel 12S超智慧·全面屏,强悍的产品力和超高的颜值,让其一举拿下IDPA国际设计金奖、美国IDEA设计大奖。

In 2023, LTECH launched the exceptional smart central control product, which is the smart display Super Panel 12S. It has won the Gold Award of IDPA award and the IDEA award for its robust performance and exquisite appearance.

雷特Super Panel 12S同时具备蓝牙 5.0 SIG Mesh、无线 Wi-Fi 6(支持 2.4 和 5G)、以太网、红外遥控等全能中枢协议。

LTECH Super Panel 12S allows Bluetooth 5.0 SIG Mesh, Wi-Fi 6 (supporting 2.4 and 5G), and Ethernet protocol, as well as infrared remote control for IR devices.

· 硬件上,以 12.3 寸超大视野、独立 NPU 芯片、超强 AI 算力、4G 处理器+16G储存器、蓝牙5.1音频、AAC 大师级声学方案、全向性六麦克风阵列,打造旗舰级硬核配置;

Hardware: It features a large 12.3-inch screen, independent NPU chip, powerful AI calculation, 4G RAM +16G ROM, Bluetooth audio 5.1, AAC’s acoustic solution and omnidirectional six mic array to make exceptional hardware configuration. 

· 品牌生态上,产品可连接到各品牌蓝牙音响及8000+家电品牌的全能生态。更有、咪咕、爱奇艺等影音系统,打造丰富的娱乐功能;

Ecosystem brands: It can connect to various main brands of Bluetooth speakers and home appliances from more than 8000 brands. It can also work with Migu, iQiyi audio-visual platforms to create various entertainment functions. 

· 交互方式上,具备One command超能AI语音交互、电容式多点触摸屏瞬息响应;更设有家庭相册轮播、智能红外遥控、门禁可视对讲、光/距/温湿/烟雾等细致入微的贴心设计,都无不为用户带来“全面超越”的非凡体验!

Interaction methods: It allows One command AI-powered voice interaction and has a capacitive multi-touch screen for instant response. It includes multiple thoughtful designs such as family album loops, serving as a general smart remote, video intercom and light /human distance/temperature and humidity/smoke detection. These all bring users an extraordinary experience going beyond that of other products. 

中控屏产品作为全宅智能家居场景的总入口,在家庭中所扮演角色的重要性无需多言。雷特Super Panel 12S集当下各品牌屏显中控屏的功能与优点于一身,在中控屏领域遥遥领先!

As a central place for controlling whole house smart scenes, smart central control panel plays a pivotal role in a smart home. LTECH Super Panel 12S integrates the functions and advantages of central smart control panels from various brands, and goes far beyond them.


As the celebrity series of LTECH whole house intelligence, SUPER+ Series is the winner of Taiwan's Golden Pin Concept Award, G-Mark Good Design Award, iF Design Award, CES Innovation Awards, Red Dot Design Award and IDPA Design Award. This year, we once again launched Creative Series smart knob switch and 6-gang smart switch that attract the attention of the whole exhibition. 



The new generation of intelligent Bluetooth drivers

Change what you know about them in an all-round way

雷特打造全新一代的蓝牙5.0电源,突破尺寸限制:外形更小巧、更薄,比上一代体积减少31.5%;同样采用国际标准的蓝牙SIG Mesh 5.0组网技术,获蓝牙联盟 Mesh组网技术认证,稳定性经过权威性认可。

LTECH has developed the new generation of Bluetooth 5.0 drivers that push the boundaries of the size. The newly developed drivers are much smaller and thinner, which have a 31.5% decrease in size on average compared to the last generation. They also use the international standard Bluetooth SIG Mesh 5.0 networking technology and are compliant with the Bluetooth mesh networking specifications.


Regarding their security, LTECH’s whole series of intelligent LED drivers obtained SRRC mandatory wireless certificate and CCC mandatory certificate in China, providing guaranteed quality for intelligent lighting projects. 


有线+无线 方案不设限

New DALI master controller was launched

Merge wired and wireless protocol to eliminate all limitations for solutions


The DALI master controller, the new super module 2.0 series product, has got everyone's attention in the exhibition. It makes super LED module family get optimized and the wired and wireless hybrid solutions get flexible and powerful. We not only provide the updated UI interfaces for DALI applications, but also make the operations for Bluetooth lighting and DALI lighting the same and seamlessly combine them into scenes. It enables easy DALI control like never before and empowers users to experience the stable and elevated lighting. 


LTECH’s super LED module 2.0 series help achieve wired and wireless hybrid solutions with its super compact size and a wide range of powerful functions. 



Renowned industry experts gathered together

LTECH booth becomes a hot site for visiting


On the first day of the exhibition, a lot of industry media came and reported on the LTECH booth. There was also a stream of renowned industry experts come to visit.

其中,Super Panel 12S更是受到了行业人士的瞩目和媒体的一致关注。想了解更多Super Panel 12S以及雷特全宅智能新品的更多信息,不妨亲临雷特展位(W5馆 E12)零距离体验!

Among displayed products, Super Panel 12S has attracted the attention of industry professionals and medias. If you want to know more information about Super Panel 12S and LTECH new whole house smart products, come visit LTECH booth at Hall W5, E12 to have an in-person experience. 



Filled the booth with creativity

Colored lighting home application 


At the exhibition this year, LTECH booth created an immersive experience area -Super Space, where RGBCW lighting effect was used in whole house smart scenes to create colorful smart life, as well as to show people the smart control result of LTECH intelligent LED controllers on the spot. 



We are looking for global distributors for LTECH whole house intelligence


The competition for revenue of the smart home market has started. We provide multiple distribution policies to support distributors, who will get the brand empowerment from the A-share listed company, learn from our 20-year experience in the intelligent lighting industry and will enjoy comprehensive support welfare. We will promote the growth of distributors through wide-ranging ways, including offering distribution channel protection, product traffic support and professional training.

想要在智能家居赛道突围而出,找对入口很关键!据相关报道显示,2022年照明灯具产品在智能家居产品配置率快速上升到84.3%,众多智能家居品牌也纷纷增加照明灯具销售业务,占据了不少传统照明市场,让传统照明经销商倍感压力。此时, 传统照明经销商智能化转型不仅是赢得竞争的关键,更是抓住智能家居红利的机遇所在。雷特科技是为数不多坚守“赋能者”角色的厂商品牌,以技术创新为引擎,以“灯具+雷特科技智能系统=智能化升级”的赋能模式,持续为市场、为经销商注入强心剂。

If you want to stand out from the smart home competition, finding the right entrance door is crucial. Relevant reports show that in 2022 the segment of LED lighting products in smart home products has raised to 84.3% at a fast pace. Many smart home brands have also added the business category of LED lighting products, which occupies a large portion of traditional lighting markets and makes traditional lighting distributors feel stressed. Meanwhile, intelligent transformation of traditional lighting dealers is not only the key to winning the competition, but also the opportunity to seize the smart home revenue. LTECH is one of rare manufacturers adhering to the role of enabler, who takes technological innovation as the engine and utilize the enabling mode of “Lighting+LTECH smart system = intelligent transformation” to continuously inject cardiotonic to the market and distributors. 


As of now, LTECH whole house intelligence distributors are there in many cities around the world. LTECH now at the exhibition offers more services to join more distributors . We are looking forward to working with you to usher in the smart home era, in which the market size is projected to be valued at 100 billion.

展会为期3天,精彩仍在继续!雷特科技在W5馆 E12恭候大家前来交流、参观!

The 3-day exhibition is still ongoing. LTECH is looking forward to your visit at booth Hall W5, E12. 

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北京雷特世创科技有限公司(Beijing Videostar Co., Ltd.)始创立于一九九四年九月,是一家以广播级数字视频产品为基础,专业从事广播电视设备及现代化电教产品开发、生产、经营的高新技术企业。历经市场博弈现今也发展壮大成为国内具有相当规模的集设计、研发、制造、营销等一身的专业多媒体电视设备供应商之一。