关于陈凯歌使用Black Magic Cinema Camera拍摄电影的纠正
最近 BMD 在NAB 2013上发布了Black Magic Production Camera 4K , 这款机子很有可能带动新一轮的影视行业浪潮,其优良的品质以及低廉的价格,将会促使很多影视边缘徘徊的人步入影视行业,哪怕是入门,因为这行的门槛将会因此款机器而产生新的低门槛要求!
好了,正题开始。最近在BMD官网上有陈凯歌导演《赵氏孤儿》的照片,此时恰好BMD大力在主页宣传BMCC 、BMPC 4K 的时候,有些朋友可能太过激动就自动把二者联想在一起,以为陈凯歌大导演用了这些款机子。
Chen Kaige’s decision to move the premiere 14 days ahead of schedule put great pressure on postproduction. Even now, the post crew from Hainan International, which contracted for color grading for this film, still remember the state of shock when they were informed of this change. The original schedule was tight enough and after the change, they were left with less than 2 months to grade the feature. And while part of the time to complete postproduction was sacrificed, director Chen Kaige did not want the artistic quality of his blockbuster sacrificed.
Hainan installed a 16-GPU DaVinci Resolve system capable of grading native 4K and even higher resolution in real time, though the footage initially needed to handle for ‘Sacrifice’ was 2K DPX files, which were shot with ARRI CAM and ARRI R435 camera.
用的是ARRI CAM ARRI R435 camera,不是BMCC啦,想想中国影院上映的电影还不至于这么穷,用这个价位的机器,我并不是说这机器不好,只是搞影视的专业家们他们用的是套装体系,流程化很强的,不是说弄个画质牛X的机子就好了,每款机器都有自己的受众面滴。好了,任务完成,谢谢大家!下回再聊!顺便说下,BMPC 4K将会在7月发售,售价3995美元,折合RMB是24800左右。但是BMD中国官网要30500RMB,关税?还是。。
好了,正题开始。最近在BMD官网上有陈凯歌导演《赵氏孤儿》的照片,此时恰好BMD大力在主页宣传BMCC 、BMPC 4K 的时候,有些朋友可能太过激动就自动把二者联想在一起,以为陈凯歌大导演用了这些款机子。
Chen Kaige’s decision to move the premiere 14 days ahead of schedule put great pressure on postproduction. Even now, the post crew from Hainan International, which contracted for color grading for this film, still remember the state of shock when they were informed of this change. The original schedule was tight enough and after the change, they were left with less than 2 months to grade the feature. And while part of the time to complete postproduction was sacrificed, director Chen Kaige did not want the artistic quality of his blockbuster sacrificed.
Hainan installed a 16-GPU DaVinci Resolve system capable of grading native 4K and even higher resolution in real time, though the footage initially needed to handle for ‘Sacrifice’ was 2K DPX files, which were shot with ARRI CAM and ARRI R435 camera.
用的是ARRI CAM ARRI R435 camera,不是BMCC啦,想想中国影院上映的电影还不至于这么穷,用这个价位的机器,我并不是说这机器不好,只是搞影视的专业家们他们用的是套装体系,流程化很强的,不是说弄个画质牛X的机子就好了,每款机器都有自己的受众面滴。好了,任务完成,谢谢大家!下回再聊!顺便说下,BMPC 4K将会在7月发售,售价3995美元,折合RMB是24800左右。但是BMD中国官网要30500RMB,关税?还是。。
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