
CatDV Desktop Clients provide a rich, fully functional media managementinterface, media ingest, playback and logging, NLE integration and systemsadministration and configuration.


The CatDV Server acts as the central clip and metadata repository, supportssearch across the database, enables collaboration between teams, and appliessecurity and production groups permissions.

CatDV Server充当中央剪辑和元数据存储库,支持搜索整个数据库,支持团队之间的协作,并应用安全和生产组权限。

Worker Node is the CatDV automation engine. It can watch folders for new orchanged media, perform ingest, import and export, xml publication, relocation,proxy generation, transcodes and file delivery. Part of its power comes from“server queries” (changes in the CatDV data) meaning complex workflows canbe run from the CatDV clients or file system.

WorkerNode 是CatDV自动化引擎。它可以查看文件夹的新或更改媒体、执行摄取、导入和导出、XML发布、重定位、代理生成、转码和文件传递。它的触发机制来自“服务器查询”(CatDV数据的更改)意味着复杂的工作流可以从CatDV客户端或文件系统运行。

CatDV Web Clients CatDV Standard and Advanced browser clients provideremote access to the CatDV server from a web browser.

CatDV Web客户端,提供标准和高级两种方式,通过浏览器WEB远程访问CatDV服务器。

CatDV Web Services, ‘Panel’ & Custom clients use the CatDV REST andJavascript APIs to provide new user interfaces to CatDV plus to provide afurther integration point for third party hardware, software, and services. Panelsfor Adobe creative tools and Tricaster further extend CatDV’s reach.

CatDV Web服务,' Panel '和自定义客户端使用CatDV REST和Javascript api提供了新的用户界面,为CatDV plus提供了第三方硬件、软件和服务的进一步集成点。面板为Adobe创意工具和Tricaster进一步扩展了CatDV的范围。

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