【SounDoer】独立电影声音设计师 Ryan Billia 视频访谈
@SounDoer:来自 Pro Sound Effects 的 Sound Design Spotlight Interview 系列第一篇 How This Brooklyn Sound Designer is Making It in Indie Film http://www.prosoundeffects.com/blog/indie-film-sound-design-spotlight-billia/#.VHEmNzQ0WSo ,采访了来自纽约布鲁克林 Rumble Audio(http://www.rumbleaudio.com/)的独立电影声音设计师 Ryan Billia(http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2540230/)。
Sound Design Spotlight: Ryan Billia from Rumble Audio in Brooklyn, NY
Ryan 在视频中提到:
他在 East Williamsburg 的个人一站式音频后期设备;
Icelandic geyser explosion 设计实例,并展示PT工程和影片片段;
Ryan 还谈到了他与导演 Aaron Katz 和 Martha Stephens 在电影《Land Ho!》(http://sonyclassics.com/landho/,Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics)项目合作上的一些有趣见解。
The Sound Design Spotlight video series interviews forward-thinking sound designers to capture the creative spirit of story-telling through sound design and technology. Brought to you by Pro Sound Effects.
SounDoer - Focus On Sound Design
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