This is a DEMO-SHOOT : nothing really representable.This is just an attemp to explore my new camera and to give some people here in Germany an idea, how - for example- an imagefilm could look like (quality-wise).
No "real" color-correction - used the 3 way cc tool in finalcut, to adjust the color in the fastest way I can.Shot spontaniously in one day at BMW/Mini Reisacher here in Ulm/Germany -and edited in one night.Although I definatly need some training and time with the AF101, I can admit, that I really, really like it very much!
- Camera: Panasonic AG-AF101 (Europe)
- Lens: Olympus Zuiko 14-35mm 1:2.0 (A Wow Lens - but really HEAVY! - 这个镜头超重的,哈哈)
- Steadycam from Glidecam
- Selfmade Glidetrack
- Dolly
关于镜头,这哥们强烈推荐了福伦达F0.95 25mm的那个镜头,尽管在这个片子里他木有用。
1、作者表示自己拍摄此片并没有做特别的参数设置,反正没有对参数进行的研究和牛逼的调整,很抱歉,木有找到他得拍摄参数,有找的童鞋请补充啊。(我不太确定翻译是否准确,原文:the AF100 wasn\'t used as it should - in other words: it was used very quick and dirty (setting- & adjustment-wise).)
2、有人从画质上来看,以为本片一定用了外置记录仪什么的,不过,作者明确表示,木有用外接的,用的原生AVCHD,SD卡记录,1080 25P拍摄,变帧拍摄用的是1080P @50fps。
5、关于这个原生的AVDHD素材是不是经得起后期折腾,作者也有就这个测试片说道一些:在后期,转码进入FCP,还做了一定程度的调色,又在AE ETC里进出了一次,他自己觉得画质木有什么受到损伤(这是不是说的有些过了,神级后期啊),他加了句,反正我是怎么觉得的(嗯哼)。最后,他特别说明了下,把素材导入FCP,他是转码成ProRes LT - 不是 422 - 也不是 HQ (这边我补充说明下:最近松下发布了AVCCAM IMPORTER插件,安装后,AVCHD素材进入FCP无需转码,可直接导入,下载链接:
Thanks Joe,
titles: After Effects
speed: Final cut pro
I will update the description soon - so that you may know, that in this shoot, the AF100 wasn\'t used as it should - in other words: it was used very quick and dirty (setting- & adjustment-wise).
I used the nativ codec completely in 1080p @50 fps variable framerate. And believe me - the cam wasn\'t used the way it should - you can tweak it (the picture) in the most detailed ways. I worked really unclean with the settings As it was a really unorganized and chaotic shootout. It\'s a really good deal for the price whith a feature-list up to the sky! What we\'ve seen in most cases, captured with the AF100, wasn\'t as breathtaking as for example 5D or F3 footage - for a still wasn\'t used as a professional tool in professional hands - So it just has to be treated the right way and i honestly believe, it is the right tool for a professional (Not claiming to be one) to capture the desired picture.
Kevyn Bashore 8 months ago
Thanks for you response. So you would recommend the camera, it sounds like, right? I sold my Sony Ex1 and returned my 5D, in order to purchase the AF100 and GH2. I need my footage to hold up in post for some grading and for uploading to iStock and Getty Images. Would you say that the native codec will hold up to professional broadcast standards, or do I have to invest thousands more in a separate recording device? My preference would be to not spend the extra money, but I\'ll have to, eventually, if the native codec isn\'t broadcast standard. I\'ve read opposing views on this subject, which is frustrating... Any thoughts?
If "broadcast standard" should mean 50mbit and is standarized by BBC...then you may get Ki Pro Mini or an Atomos Ninja - BUT - I think wondered how good the nativ codec really is - post prosessing the footage one time through an intensive color correction, and import/export the footage in After Effects ETC won\'t harm the quality - At least I couldn\'t See a difference. Do you intend to edit AVCHD native / maybe on Premiere? I ask because I use Final Cut Pro and have to transcode the clips for editing - in this testscenario i simply converted the Clips into ProRes LT - Not 422 - nor HQ.
the tracking was done (very quickly) with the standard motion-tracker in AE.
the VFR work very easy.
My workflow was:
Base-framerate: 25p (VFR is available just in 1080p)
Framerate: 50P
Press record....and you have a finished 50% slow-motion to work with in the post-production.
Speed it up - slow it down (f.e. with twixtor or Apple Motion) 1080P50 or 60p is a very nice format to work with - although you need to record the sound seperately.
a Glidecam HD2000 (without Arm & West) was used for that / it was very hard to handle the weight for more than One or two minutes - an arm/west combination is imo nessesary or at least veeeeeeeeery helpful!
This is top-notch work -- bravo! I have a Af100 / 14-35mm Olympus / Seadicam Pilot / Kessler CineSlider on order and look forward to creating similar work.
You achieved a consistent look -- fluid movements, sharp, minimal video noise, grading, etc. Love know more production details (settings, workflow, etc) and any thoughts related to gear (specifically the lens).
Wow - thank you for these nice compliments!
- I used a selfmade IGUS slider but I am also looking for the "one shot" Kessler pocket dolly!
- The steadycam pilot is - how should I say - state of art!
- the 14-35mm is amazing!!! I actually have about 5 lenses, which I bought specially for the AF101:
Voigtländer 25mm 0:95 (believe me - this lens looks funny on the AF100....but the picture and color-rendering looks so dawm 5D like - it is really a must have, although I didn´t use it in that shoot.
CANON FD 55mm 1:1.2 (really beautiful lens)
Vivitar FD 55mm Makro 1:2.8
Tokina FD 60mm - 120mm 1:2.8
Olympus 12-60mm (but that will be sold, altough it has some awesome advantages - like the minimum focus distance!!!)
Thank you again for your kind words.
Excellent- I would say very representable!
Did you expose for the "blown out" white look or do it in post?
Use either Zebras or Waveform?
What were your scene files? Danke!
Awesome AE, great piece in every regard! :beer: :beer: :beer:
Hi and thanks!
Let me take a Look At the camera tomorrow and I will tell you what scene file was used.
What I can tell you is, that I operated the Cam really the "dirtiest" Way somebody could do!
I for example forgot To swich thr DRS from 3 to 0 or 1 :-(
As mentioned, the color correction was Done extremely fast and dirty - so I didn\'t take care of blown highlights in most cases.
There was not done a proper black balance nor a right exposure.
In some cases I really say To myself: " time, you really have to Do it right!"
I will come back To Details tomorrow, when Time allows!
Thanks for the interest.
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