
2014-04-09 12:26

今天上午,松下专业影像部Director Kunihiko Miyagi先生在他的博客中发布的一篇文章,NAB信息发布会内容,松下Varicam系列将可以实现ProRes编码记录

Along with the details of the Codex announcement, the big news at our press event this morning is that Apple ProRes recording in HD will be natively available in the Varicam line.

松下Varicam产品线将在HD模式下可有效记录Apple ProRes编码格式。

Our AVC-Ultra family of codecs is now starting to be accepted in the industry, and we believe will become an industry standard. Currently in the production industry, however, Apple’s ProRes is very much a standard already.

We want to make sure that customers are able to choose the workflow they prefer, so in addition to AVC-Ultra and V-RAW recording, we have made sure to include ProRes so that users accustomed to a ProRes workflow can continue on with what they are used to.

Having other codecs in our products is a first for Panasonic, and was quite a controversial decision, but I think it is for the best.
ProRes in our products is something that some users have requested for a long time, and may wonder why we haven’t included it until now. All I can say is, we’re giving it a try now in order to improve usabilty for our customers, and I look forward to seeing how this news is received.



I want to express my appreciation to Atomos. By offering their ProRes Codec module, we will be able to support ProRes in a timely manner. I also express many thanks to Apple for agreeing to make this announcement at NAB.

我想要对Atomos表达我的感谢,通过他们提供ProRes 编码的模块(ProRes Codec module),我们的产品将第一时间支持ProRes的编码。同时也感谢苹果(Apple)同意这个信息在NAB上的发布。

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