Corona Cork Film Festival
爱尔兰科克电影节报名截止日: 2011-07-01
开 幕 日: 2011-11-06
闭 幕 日: 2011-11-13
举 办 地: 科克Cork
Corona Cork Film Festival is one of Ireland’s premier cultural events. Established in 1956, the festival has enjoyed a steady growth in scale, in numbers of admissions and guests, in reputation and in media coverage. The festival has developed an ever-increasing audience of general public, film lovers and filmmakers.
Corona Cork Film Festival is held in high regard on a local, national and international level. In Cork city and region it is one the most important events in the social and cultural calendar.
The programme is wide-ranging, an eclectic mix of big budget pictures, world cinema, innovative independent films, documentaries and short films from all over the globe. The festival is a major showcase for Irish film production.
Festival Director and C.E.O. Mick Hannigan mick@corkfilmfest.org
Festival Programmer Úna Feely una@corkfilmfest.org
Festival Manager Seán Kelly sean@corkfilmfest.org