据说卢卡斯、彼得杰克逊会跟进。卢卡斯这个好莱坞电影技术的大佬,是提高电影帧频的急先锋。 而杰克逊则已经计划用48P来拍摄指环王前传《霍比特人》。此前 诺兰的inception盗梦空间曾经打算用48P拍摄,不过测试后觉得看起来太“真实”了(大概意思是说和电视看起来很像,哈哈,你说呢)。
基本上来说,24P和48P之间的频闪差别是很明显的,而48和60之间的就不太容易感觉到了。He used a number of cinematic techniques in the footage to illuminate what he called the gravity of the gap between, say, 24 and 48 frames. One scene set at a dinner table included a number of panning shots, so the crowd could see how a 24 fps shot caused the image to \"strobe\" -- which is when an image looks blurry, almost as if it is appearing in slow motion, seeming out of sync.