
2015-10-15 16:25

仅在英国地区,HDTV销售只占了1%而4K TV销售更是几乎为0!它的可笑之处就是几乎没有4K DVD或者是电视频道没有4K甚至是8K。

那么,有一种力量在推动的8K前行,而市场仍然受限,我们已经在电影院里看到了6K产品拍摄的电影——由RED Weapon 6K拍摄。(举个例子来说就有马特达蒙主演的《火星救援》)




Once again there is no enthusiasm for 8K but Japan is driving forward with an 85″ Sharp television in October this year. The best of it is the Japanese who are always the early adopters of new technology don’t have enough space in their houses for an 85″ screen which could seriously limit sales.
In the UK alone the majority of TV sales are with HD ready televisions with about 1% of the market selling 4K to an audience of zero ! Its laughable when we have no 4K DVDs or TV channels that are even contemplating 4K let alone 8K.
Both Canon and Ikegami are working on an 8K cameras but once again 8K for editing down to 4K or even HD will look spectacular but is there a need for it.
With my example below you can see how the security services would welcome 8K surveillance cameras.
Take this 8K picture out of 16 full HD pictures you can crop at 100% to identify people in a protest.
So why is there a push for 8K when there is such a limited market, we are already seeing 6K productions coming out in the cinema filmed on a 6K RED Weapon like The Martain.
Camera manufacturers are into every marketplace and the more HiEnd the production the better publicity they can make from it.
Digital Cinema is the one place RED have got their teeth into and you only have to look at their web site to see a ton of major films and TV productions being made with RED cameras.
Personally I think 8K is positioned firmly at the digital cinema marketplace though it is very limited and RED won’t want to give up their stronghold without a fight.
Heres a look at a 10K video that I have shown before but its so good a second look won’t go wrong…
10328×7760 – A 10K Timelapse Demo from SCIENTIFANTASTIC on Vimeo.


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