#SounDoer# 影片《Norman》ADR 后期制作

2015-08-21 23:14

@SounDoer:来自影片《Norman》的幕后制作专题 Giving Life to ADR,整部影片的对白均为后期 ADR,在各个环境中录制扫频信号采样,再导入 Altiverb 将空间效果添加到对白上。

Norman: Featurette, Giving Life to ADR
Dealing with ADR comes with its own set of challenges (sync, inflection, delivery), let alone the task of making the ADR sit back in the picture and sound like it was originally recorded on set in real world acoustic environments.
With the use of Convolution Reverbs like Altiverb, Jonah and Joel are able to transform dry and pristine ADR into Dialog you would never be able to tell wasn’t recorded on location. Using Altiverb’s built in library of Impulse Responses and recording and creating their own by recording reverb signatures in real world spaces, the team behind Norman is able to create believable Dub Overs that will immerse you into the story and the spaces of the film.
To learn more about the film, visit: normanthefilm.com or via Facebook: facebook.com/Normanthefilm
Special thanks to: rode.com








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