
2012-06-11 13:57
Cats on Borges’ window sill

影片类型(Type):纪录 Documentary
导演(Director):潘思夷 Pan Siyi
编剧(Screenplay):无 / None
摄影(Cinematography):賴錦坤Lai Jinkun 朱恩澤Zhu Enze 於洋 Yu Yang 馬銀川 Ma Yinchuan
录音(Sound):廖勇 Liao Yong 於洋 Yu Yang
剪辑(Editing):潘思夷 Pan Siyi
主演(Cast):彭丕 Peng Pi 魯瞻 Lu Zhan 莊瑞傑 Zhuang Ruijie 李紅旗 Li Hongqi 鄒曉炫 Zou Xiaoxuan 劉華星Liu Huaxing
学校(school):栗宪庭电影学校 LXT’s film school
对白(Dialog):中文 Chinese
字幕(Subtitle):中文 Chinese

第四届北京独立电影展/The 4th BIFF
第四届重庆民间映画交流展/ CIFVF2010
第二届杭州大学生电影节/ HSFVF2010
Six maverick anomalous persons been locked in a room in darkness. In the gloomy light of candle, they attempted to elaborate some profound individual experiences and their vague understanding on the world, accompanied their voice a cat cried somewhere. Their expressions have no theme, the only rule is don’t interrupt other people’s words.

Bio - filmography of Director:
A freelancer female independent filmmaker, from Liuyang, Hunan province, now based in Beijing
Experience from the media industry:
Hunan TV Entertainment Channel,
CRC Huaxia Performing Arts Co.,
Pegasus & Taihe Entertainment International.
Independent film directing career:
2007 Under the Sanyuan Bridge (san yuan qiao xia)     30′Documentary
2007 The dog named HeiZi (dong bian yue liang xi bian yu) 60′Documentary drama
2008 A Dearm with sadness (yi ge tang ke men de meng)   5′ Experimental short film
2009 Cats on Borges’ window sill (Borges’ chuang tai shang de mao) 21′Experimental documentary
Director‘s interpretation:
As to my conception before shot, this short documentary short subject is one third of this whole story, prelude of the work. Then, in the year 2011 and 2012 I will track these people to record the change of their living condition, the change of their inward world. I want to film the innermost being of individuals, to discover the fear, despair or some unfading lights of humanity which perhaps not visible but buried in our hearts.

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