《影视工业网“飞熊杯”欧洲航拍素材剪辑大赛》参赛作品——《Resurgence 》
2015-03-03 16:20
Today, we bite the bullet
Willing to bear it all right
No, we do not want to bear
We need clean air
We need green ecology
We refuse to wait
Not to seek to develop at the expense of
the people
Our courageous stand accused them of it
Today, we bite the bullet
Willing to bear it all right
No, we do not want to bear
We need clean air
We need green ecology
We refuse to wait
Not to seek to develop at the expense of
the people
Our courageous stand accused them of it
本文为作者 王志超 分享,影视工业网鼓励从业者分享原创内容,影视工业网不会对原创文章作任何编辑!如作者有特别标注,请按作者说明转载,如无说明,则转载此文章须经得作者同意,并请附上出处(影视工业网)及本页链接。原文链接 https://cinehello.com/stream/61234