【SounDoer】纪录片:The Secret World of FOLEY

2014-06-07 18:56


节选翻译自Designing Sound的报道:
影片《The Secret World of Foley》,跟随拟音艺术家 Peter Burgis (《明日边缘》、《盟军夺宝队》、《海扁王2》)和 Sue Harding (《自私的巨人》、《曼德拉:漫漫自由路》、《菲洛梅娜》),记录了他们一系列富有挑战性的工作,制作移动、行走等其他同步拟音。导演兼编剧 Daniel Jewel 并未在影片中设置任何对白或者是过多的解说来对拟音进行技术性的解释。对于展示 Peter、Sue 和声音设计师 Glen Gathard 的工作和天赋的最好方式,Jewel 说:“我觉得我们首先要创作一部小短片,再拍摄拟音艺术家们使用他们的专业技艺对这部小短片进行拟音的过程,然后对这两部‘影片’进行剪辑。这样无需过多言语,我们就能感受到拟音艺术家们是如何让电影变得更加鲜活。”
The Secret World of Foley follows artists Peter Burgis (Edge of Tomorrow, The Monuments Men, Kick-Ass 2) and Sue Harding (The Selfish Giant, Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, Philomena) as they work their way through a challenging series of moves, walks, and other sync sounds. A deliberate ploy by writer/director Daniel Jewel was to not have any dialogue in the film, or wordy explanations of the Foley techniques involved. On the best way of showcasing the work and talents of Peter, Sue and sound designer Glen Gathard, Jewel says, “I thought we could create a specially shot short film and and then film the Foley Artists interpreting that film, with props of their choice and then cut between the two ‘films’. So without any words, we would get the sense of what Foley Artists do to bring films to life.”

以下内容翻译来自 The Secret World of FOLEY 官方网站:
《The Secret World of Foley》,带我们去了解一个鲜有人知的群体“拟音师”,是他们通过在后期制作中加入音效来使影片更加鲜活生动。我们跟随了一支屡获奖项的二人拟音工作团队并一同记录了他们为一部短片拟音的工作过程,短片是关于英国海岸边一个小渔村的早晨生活。拟音师运用他们各种强大多样的道具,真实还原每一个声音细节,精心设计的音效更好地表达了短片的意境。这部影片让更多人了解了电影行业中少有人知的一个工种,同时也是对神奇的电影艺术本身的最好诠释。
\'The Secret World of Foley\', takes us on a journey into the little known world of Foley Artists, who bring films to life by adding sound effects in post-production. We follow a multi-award winning two person team of Foley Artists and watch as they work together to bring to life a film about one morning in the life of a fishing village on the English coast. With their perfectly timed and precisely judged sound effects they transform the film as they interpret every sound detail, using props from their vast props store. This film shines a light on a little known film art form and is a testament to magic and wonder of Cinema itself.


@SounDoer:《The Secret World of Foley》该影片目前正准备参展 2014 AFI Docs festival,并将在6月19日 the Goethe-Institut in Washington D.C. 和6月20日 the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center in Maryland 放映。更多信息可以浏览影片官网或者 AFIDOCS 网站。
有空的话 SounDoer 将翻译一下影片官网上的拟音师介绍和导演手记,更多内容请关注@SounDoer
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