RED Epic配上佳能600mm+2X 增距镜配,绝对超高分辨率超长焦组合!

2011-08-08 16:52


佳能600毫米F4 EF 镜头加上2倍增距上到RED Epic上,焦距按照35mm换算,超过3400mm了。你想想看,这是在4K拍摄,Epic拍的120FPS RAW 。3400mm,拍摄那些离你20码以外的水面上的泡泡,就在你的面前看起来像UFO一样......那是一件非常神奇的事情。这是在莫诺湖拍摄超过45分钟后,太阳已经落到塞拉利昂山脉后,直到一切都暗了下来。ISO范围从800 ASA到2000 ASA的。


这是拍摄用的是RED尚未正式发表的 RED EPIC 转接 Canon EOS 接环的设备。仍然支持自动对焦,图像稳定,数字光圈控制,触摸对焦,等等功能。虽然长焦镜头不是什么新鲜事,但在电影世界,如此高的分辨率再配上佳能的图像稳定技术是绝对令人印象深刻的,对世界各地的野生动物和体育摄影师也应该是一个巨大的震撼。 


从上面的图片你会看到,所有你将RED Epic从PL卡口转换成佳能EF卡口就只需要梅花螺丝刀。那里有没电线或连接处理,这是一个非常讲究的设计,这样就可以在现场完成。应该注意的是避免灰尘进入。转换可以在30-90秒完成,这取决于你的小心程度,要考虑到红外滤光片是暴露的镜头或前盖是不存在的情况下。另外值得注意的:如果你仔细看看上面详细拍摄,你会发现,RED有一个旋转的环,类似于一个PL卡口,双重锁定佳能镜头到Epic上。(你需要标准的佳能锁扣+旋转环,以固定你的镜头。)


The angle of video of a Canon 600mm f4 EF Lens with a 2X converter on a RED Epic,  is roughly one degree. (1 Degree, 45 arcminutes horizontally to be exact.)
The focal length in terms of 35mm is more than 3400mm – not too shabby when you consider this was shot at 4K, 120fps in full RAW on the Epic.  
So who cares?  Is this just a case of \"just because you can…\" 
Canon 600mm on RED EPIC on ProPic  EPIC Canon EF Mount on ProPic
Well perhaps to some.  I started out as a sports photographers 20 years ago because I was able to manually focus a 400mm 2.8 wide open… long lenses are dear to me.   And I love seeing the world through a 500mm + whether it’s at the Olympics, from a helicopter – or in this case for 45 minutes after sun set behind the Sierra mountains at Mono lake. 
Why?  Because at 3400 millimeters – the bubbles on the surface of the water 20 yards in front of you can look like UFOs for a split second… and I still find that magical 20 years into this career.
This was shot with the yet-to-be-released RED Canon mount – which has full support of Autofocus, Image Stabilization, digital aperture control, touch to focus, touch to rack focus, and distance readout.   These are pretty amazing times to be behind the lens.
While long lenses are nothing new in the motion picture world – this type of resolution combined with Canon’s Image Stabilization technology is utterly impressive and should be a huge hit with wildlife and sports photographers around the world. 
This is once again an example of technology allowing us to pull things off we once thought impossible (or could be done with a lot of additional technology)
This was shot in Mono Lake on afternoon over 45 minutes after the sun had set behind the Sierra Mountain range until everything went dark.  ISO ranges from 800 ASA to 2000 ASA.  This was shot on an O’Connor 1030HD head on sticks with one operator (me) doing the focus pulling.
As you’ll see from the image above – all you need to convert the RED Epic from the PL Mount to the Canon EF-Mount is a TORX screwdriver. There are no wires or connections to deal with, it’s an incredibly elegant design and this can be done in the field.  Care should be taken to avoid dust/dirt of course.   The conversion can be done in 30-90 seconds depending on how careful you want to be,  given that the IR filter is of course exposed as is the case when a lens or front cap is not present.  Also of note:  if you look carefully at the detail shot above, you’ll notice that RED has a rotating ring, similar to a PL mount, that double-locks the Canon lens onto the Epic.  (You have both the regular Canon click lock + the rotating ring now to secure your lens.)   Gone is ANY flex inherent with the Canon mount that many of us are used to when you work with follow focusing units and/or motors.


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