专访 I 伦敦电影节 x 导演郭煜(小爱老师)

2023-11-29 10:20


2023年10-11月, 导演 I编剧 I电影研究者、影视工业网签约电影课程导师小爱老师(郭煜,NADIA GUO)编剧导演的作品《秋水水秋》(《Wish You Well》)、《寒夜理查德》(《 Run,Chad Run》)、《电影》(《The Film》) ,斩获多个海外电影节奖项,本文为伦敦电影节对小爱老师的专访。

https://londonmovieawards.com/interview2#d4bafcb1-d35e-4de6-9c9a-98778b927461 (原文链接)


Director, Screenwriter, Producer. Her latest films are “Wish You Well”, “Run, Chad Run” and “The Film”.

When did you realised you wanted to be a Filmmaker\Actor\Writer?

NADIA GUO:When I was kid, my parents always took me to watch Hollywood and European movies with them, and I think my interests and belief in movies were built since then. After graduation from university, I started my career in public relations and corporate communications in Fortune 500 companies, but in my spare time, I do movie reviews in mainstream entertainment programs in CCTV, China Radio International, China National Radio, Beijing TV, etc., and I find myself are actually thirsty to create movies on my own part as I talked about Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan, Stanley Kubrick, Theoforos Angelopoulos. I made my first step in marketing and publicity team in one of biggest Hollywood names about ten years ago.

Do you remember your first time at the Movies?

NADIA GUO:Yes, China premiere of Spiderman. I was the project manager in Sony China that sponsored the event.

If you should change country where would you like to work?

NADIA GUO:US or France. Hollywood is the dream place for all filmmakers I guess :), and God creates France for all artists :). 

Two films that have marked your life for better or for worse…

NADIA GUO:At different stages of my life, I encounter different film crushes. If I have to pick up two, I would say "2001: A Space Odyssey"(1968) and "Blade Runner"(1982).

What do you think about Acting/ filmmaking schools?

NADIA GUO:If someone have the opportunity to go to film school, that's absolutely great. But filmmaking school is not everything about a filmmaker, specially in this AI era, everybody gets various ways to learn acting and filmmaking. I love that famous line from Quentin Tarantino, "I didn't go to film school but I go to films". :)

Have you ever hated your ambition?

NADIA GUO:Never. Ambition can motivate me to move ahead.

Francois Truffaut used to think that "Film Lovers are sick people”… was he right?

NADIA GUO:Oh I love that idea. I always believe that a great filmmaker specially as a director, he/she should have a strong ability to understand humanity, embrace every tiny moment in life, create emotions and feel emotions, he/she may look bit weird but the truth is most of the time those who look "insane" create the great arts. :)

Close your eyes…if I say “Cinema” what do you see?

NADIA GUO:A group of people sitting in the dark, share the same emotions while immersing in the same cinemagic story. That scene would make me on top of the world. 

Who’s the Director\Actor\Writer that taught you the most?

NADIA GUO:I studied film by myself so I learnt from different directors such as Stanley Cubrick, Orson Welles, Ridley Scott, Christopher Nolan,Demos Villeneuve, Andrei Tarkovsky, Theodoros Angelopoulos, Chan-wook Park, etc. I respect all of them.

About your job, tell us your biggest dream and your worst nightmare…

NADIA GUO:I hope one day I can made my name in Cannes and Oscars. I don't really have nightmare but as an independent filmmaker in China, I do hope to receive investment from mainstream investors so that my team and I can make more films.

How important is to have a good Cinematographic Culture?

NADIA GUO:Storytelling in a film is all about cinematographic language. Use of colors, design of lighting, every decision for blocking and staging, direction and speed of camera movement mean a lot. Cultivate a good cinematographic culture is bringing life to filmmaking.

What would you like to improve as a Filmmaker\Actor\Writer?

NADIA GUO:I'd love to experience different life and embrace different cultures. Living in big city as Beijing, I always feel myself lack of first hand observation on those who live in a small village, that is no good for character development in screenwriting. I need to expand my life experience as much as I could.

A big producer give you the chance to direct\to play (in) the remake of one of your favorite black and white Movie (if you have one)… what film do you choose?

NADIA GUO:"Citizen Kane"(1941), I know nobody can go beyond Orsen Welles though.

Film Industry it’s a tough place and sometimes is normal to feel lost and discouraged… who’s the person that keeps you motivated?

NADIA GUO:My parents. They always trust me and accept who I am, their love created me.

Alfred Hitchcock said: "To make a good film you need 3 things: The script, the script and the script". Do you agree with him?

NADIA GUO:I agree that a great script is the key to develope a good movie, but I think on top of that, the way how you tell your story in a cinematographic language makes the difference. If you give a same script to, let's say 10 directors, you will find that the same script makes different films, some may be good, and some of them may look embarrassing. So, story and storytelling skills in terms of cinematographic language are of same importance for a film director.

What’s your most ambitious project for the future?

NADIA GUO:I am working on my Sci-Fi trilogy and I hope that I can make it in the short future.

Do you think that sadness or at least melancholy let be more creative?

NADIA GUO:For my own part, creativity comes from every part of me, and every moment of life experience. Sadness or melancholy reminds us to think about life and humanity, but not all the cases. :)

What do you wish to yourself as a Filmmaker\Actor \Writer?

NADIA GUO:I can finance every project and make my own movies whenever I am ready.

-the end-


「 导演思维系列课程」,是由小爱聊电影与影视工业网共同出品的助力导演及所有电影从业者、视听爱好者成长的专业系统课程。从导演、视听、剧作、观众心理学四个核心维度提高导演思维能力。

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