案例 | 常州星河万丽酒店 · 万丽美学 荣光再现

2023-10-30 08:50

Project Case | Renaissance Hotel’s Aesthetics Are Showcased Again in Renaissance Changzhou Wujin Hotel with Lighting 


In the southwest of Changzhou (also Longcheng), there is a lake called Ge Lake, also knows as Taihu Lake West. It has a long history and was formed between Jin and Yue Dynasty. On the north of Gehu Lake, beside Lanyue Bay, Renaissance Changzhou Wujin Hotel rises from the ground, allowing people to overlook the unique view of the city.

酒店贯彻着万丽品牌“Discover This Way(就这样,去发现)”的理念,酒店内呼应着城市的景观打造室内设计。酒店公共区域通过雷特智能电源进行调光,打造五星级酒店照明环境。

The hotel implements the Renaissance brand's concept of "Discover This Way" and creates the interior design that integrates the city landscape. The public areas of the hotel presents a five-star hotel lighting environment via dimming by use of LTECH intelligent LED drivers.



Light for the tree of life

Lighting aesthetics of hotel lobby


Stepping into the lobby, people will start enjoying a seemingly aesthetic picture of scene that is unique to Renaissance hotels. Both the 14-meter-high ceiling and background wall in the lobby have streamlined textures, imitating the natural landscape of the Taihu Lake West Basin. The light strips are placed from top to bottom, and the light fixtures are interspersed among ceilings and walls in an orderly manner, where light is reflected on their texture to jointly interpret the image of the "Tree of Life". LTECH intelligent 0-10V drivers are used in public spaces to make dimming that matches the story of the space and restores the beauty of the design.

雷特0-10V智能电源,实现五合一调光,兼容0-10V/1-10V/10V PWM/RX/Push DIM,配合酒店空间的多样化设计,为氛围增色;更适用于室内Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类灯具应用,可完美地发挥出设计师的灯光创想。

LTECH intelligent 0-10V drivers realizes five-in-one dimming which are compatible with 0-10V/1-10V/10V PWM/RX/Push DIM. They can be used to match different designs of different hotel spaces and to add color to the atmospheres. They are more suitable for indoor Class I, II and III lamp applications and perfectly make designers'lighting ideas come to reality. 



Embracing nature with natural light

The design method integrating the landscape into indoors

酒店的餐吧区域,设于大面积的落地玻璃旁,将自然光引入室内。 雷特0-10V智能电源,具备雷特独创的T-PWM超深度调光技术,呈现完美的视觉感受。

The hotel's dining and bar area is surrounded by a large area of floor-to-ceiling glass to bring natural light indoors. LTECH's intelligent tunable white 0-10V drivers feature LTECH's pioneering T-PWM super depth dimming technology, providing a perfect visual experience. 


LTECH's intelligent tunable white 0-10V drivers deliver the dimming depth of 0.01%. During the combination of lighting and Renaissance’s design aesthetics, the dimming is smooth, delicate, and flicker- free at all dimming levels, which complies with the IEEE1789 standard and reaches the high-frequency exemption level. It helps create the beauty for atmospheres.



Illuminating the beauty of details

The clever use of lighting to highlight design secrets

漫步在星河万丽酒店,无论是连接不同区域的过道、抑或是某处转角,都处处彰显着设计师的用心之处。妙用灯光作为点睛之笔,更是让空间妙趣横生。在此类照明需求多样化的工程中,雷特0-10V智能电源所具备的 AI智识别黑科技——自动识别0-10V、1-10V输入,便可以轻松结合不同的空间照明需求进行设计,大大提高落地效率。

When people stroll in Renaissance Changzhou Wujin Hotel, no mater in the aisles connecting to different areas or in the corners, designers’ thoughtfulness is reflected in each part. The clever use of lighting adds more credits to the spaces and makes them more interesting. In such projects with different lighting demands, LTECH’s intelligent 0-10 Vdrivers feature smart AI recognition black technology that can automatically identify 0-10V and 1-10V inputs. With it, users can combine different lighting requirements of different spaces to design while greatly improving implementation efficiency. 

大空间照明方案中,雷特0-10V智能电源的超低功耗接口设计更是大大减少回路线路的铺设:一个回路可接入的电源数量高达200台(市场同类产品普遍只带载10台内),带载能力更强。降低时间、资金成本, 实现至为理想的照明效果。

In lighting solutions for large spaces, the ultra-low power interface design of LTECH intelligent 0-10V drivers greatly reduces circuit wiring. More than 200 drivers can be placed on one single circuit while only 10 of other alternative products can be connected. With stronger load capacity, our drivers realize ideal lighting effects with less time and less costs.


LTECH has created highly praised intelligent lighting solutions for numerous well-known star hotel groups around the world. We have dived deep into the industry for more than 20 years and possess a complete range of lighting products for smart control, which can be classified into “LED controller”, “Intelligent LED driver” and “ Smart home”. We have provided a large number of competitive, safe, and reliable products for numerous smart homes, smart offices and smart hotels. We have created tens of thousands of medium- and large-size lighting projects and we will continue to provide one-stop intelligent lighting control solutions to global customers.

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