案例 | 上海 · 西岸美高梅酒店

2023-10-16 09:53

Project Case MGM Shanghai West Bund  


The splendid West Bund Shanghai is undoubtedly the new vane of cultural trends in this “Magic City”. The iconic "MGM Lion" of MGM Shanghai West Bund stands on Xuhui Riverside, bringing an unique artistic landmark to the West Bund again.  


MGM Shanghai West Bund used LTECH intelligent lighting products to create a high-standard lighting environment for a star-rated hotel. LTECH also provided the intelligent lighting solution for the well-known MGM Hotel in Macau, China. Over the years, LTECH offered intelligent lighting to illuminate for luxury experience at star-rated hotels.



Now, let us unveil the aesthetic story of MGM Shanghai West Bund and learn about the most beautiful landmark along Xuhui West Bund.



Luxury experience 

Starting with lighting details


After several years of excited anticipation, new elements have been fully injected into the Shanghai’s luxury hotels eventually. MGM Shanghai West Bund refined the details to the extreme. To bring ultimate luxury experience, a high-quality, comfortable and delicate hotel lighting environment is particularly important.



Hotel aesthetics

Art and lighting harmoniously combine

西岸汇聚了20多家公共文化设施,因而在当地另有一个别称——上海的“美术馆大道”。西岸美高梅酒店在公共区域的装潢中也融入丰富的艺术作品。这意味着每一处灯光的功能不止于照亮,更需要衬托艺术之美。雷特0-10V LED调光驱动器的超强兼容性,便恰到好处地让光与艺术共舞。

More than 20 public cultural facilities are there in the West Bund, so it got another local nickname - “Shanghai’s Art Museum Avenue". The decoration of public area at MGM Shanghai West Bund also incorporates various art works that means the function of every light is not just to illuminate, but to highlight the beauty of art. The super compatibility of LTECH 0-10V dimmable LED drivers makes light and art harmoniously combine. 

雷特0-10V LED调光驱动器调光接口兼容0-10V、1-10V、10V PWM或RX,100%适用于室内各类LED照明环境。对于兼备美学与奢华体验的高奢酒店照明,能够更好地契合各类场景的照明需求。

The dimming interface of LTECH 0-10V dimmable LED drivers is compatible with 0-10V, 1-10V, 10V PWM or RX. It is 100% suitable for all types of indoor LED lighting environments. To high-end hotel lighting that offers aesthetics and luxury experience, LTECH 0-10V dimmable LED drivers can better meet the lighting demands of various scenes.



Different great enjoyments

Illuminating luxury life in this Magic City 


Luxury living on high floors, fine wines and food, and a unique artistic atmosphere... these are all the highlights of MGM Shanghai West Bund, interpreting MGM-style luxury life in this magic city. LTECH has abundant experience in star hotel lighting and has created intelligent lighting solutions for many famous hotels in the world. For such large-scale and demanding hotel lighting projects, achieving high-quality lighting effects safely and efficiently is the top priority. 

本次工程中应用到雷特0-10V LED调光驱动器。可以自动识别0-10V,1-10V输入,大大提高工程效率。更具备短路、过流、过温保护功能, 可自动恢复。让此类大型酒店照明项目能高效落地,守护工程安全。

LTECH 0-10V dimmable LED drivers were used in this project, which can automatically identify 0-10V and 1-10V input, greatly improving project efficiency. They also have short circuit, over current, and over temperature protection as well as auto recovery. These features enable such large-scale hotel lighting projects to implement efficiently and to guard the safety of projects.


LTECH has dived deep into the intelligent lighting industry for more than 20 years and keeps innovating intelligent lighting field. All our 0-10V series products’ power consumption have 20-30 times as low as other alternatives in the market, and feature stronger load capacity. According to tests, more than 200 drivers can be placed on a single circuit while only 10 alternatives on the market can be put. The drivers also have T-PWM super depth dimming technology, and LEDs are dimmed from 0.01%. The dimming is smooth and delicate, with no flicker throughout the whole process, reaching the high-frequency exemption level and complying with the IEEE1789 standard. It can perfectly meet the requirements of various lighting projects.

雷特已为世界各地著名的地标建筑、主题乐园、星级酒店、办公大楼、高级商场等中大型照明工程及众多智慧家庭,智慧办公,智慧酒店提供了大量有竞争力、安全可信赖的产品与解决方案。未来将不断巩固“LED控制器 ”、“智能电源”和“智能家居”三大板块间的紧密联系,提供一站式智能照明解决方案。

LTECH has provided a large number of competitive, safe and reliable products and solutions for famous landmark buildings, theme parks, star hotels, office buildings, high-end shopping malls and other medium and large lighting projects around the world, as well as plenty of smart homes, smart offices and smart hotels. We will continue to largely enhance the connection between our three major product categories of "LED Controller", "Intelligent LED Driver" and "Smart Home" to provide one-stop intelligent lighting solutions.

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北京雷特世创科技有限公司(Beijing Videostar Co., Ltd.)始创立于一九九四年九月,是一家以广播级数字视频产品为基础,专业从事广播电视设备及现代化电教产品开发、生产、经营的高新技术企业。历经市场博弈现今也发展壮大成为国内具有相当规模的集设计、研发、制造、营销等一身的专业多媒体电视设备供应商之一。