Boris RED Version 5 已经发布

2011-04-27 15:45

Boris RED 5 软件已经发布,boris red是综合3D合成、字幕、特效并能执行OpenGL的软件,是一款非常着名的合成软件。许多广播级的影视,电台都在使用.超级水印功能,支持动画和超链接点击; 内置字幕和快速字幕切换支持,支持srt/ass/ssa格式的字幕;开放且可定制的用户界面; 更多的互动功能和应用模版。


Boris RED 5 New Feature Highlights

Support for 64-bit Video Editing Applications. Boris RED 5 adds new support for Adobe CS5 under 64-bit Windows operating systems. Free forthcoming software updates will add support for Sony Vegas Pro 10, Grass Valley EDIUS 6, and Adobe CS5 for Mac.

40+ Filters from Final Effects Complete. Boris RED 5 includes 40+ filters from the legendary Final Effects Complete VFX plug-in collection. Newly-added designer effects and transitions include Mr. Smoothie, Ball Action, Bubbles, and Wiggle Edges.

High-quality Image Restoration Tools for smoothing and softening skin imperfections and removing jaggies, DV compression artifacts, and unwanted noise from image clips.

New 3D Particle Effects. Particle Array 3D creates a grid of particles oriented in 3D space. Pin Art 3D creates a pin board look based on a layer image.

UpRez for high-quality SD to HD conversions, facilitating the resizing of image clips while minimizing the data loss that is usually associated with resizing media in a host application. The UpRez filter includes several high-end image processing algorithms to enhance the sharpness and smoothness of the final result.

Realistic In-Camera Effects include Lens Blur for emulating a rack defocus effect where out-of-focus highlights of an image clip take on the shape of the lens shutter.

Stylized Effects include LED, Damaged TV, Tile Mosaic, Scan Lines, and Prism.

Painterly Effects simulate pencil-sketched images, the wash look of a water color painting, a rotoscope toon-animation look, and charcoal drawings.

50+ New Transition Effects. Freshly redesigned, the Boris RED keyframe library features over 50 new transition presets ranging from popular swish pan and rack defocus effects to glow dissolves, tilt-shifts, and light wipes.

User Interface and Workflow Enhancements include ergonomic, drag-and-drop panels and a curve editor for smooth parameter animation. In addition, many of the included Boris Continuum Complete and Final Effects Complete filters include a new Compare Mode feature that lets users compare the filtered result with the unfiltered source via either a side-by-side view or a live split-screen view.

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