
2012-12-29 10:44
双联 4 弹簧(钛弹簧) 高精密可调连接插头
·可伸缩2节1.5英寸碳纤维管 ·超精密云台 ·低摩擦无工具万向节 ·PRO型接线盒(HD-SDI接口,雷莫插头,12/24伏电源输出,支持高清分量接口,带光水平仪) ·可调电池板(3pcs)
·重型停靠架1个 ·停靠环 ·铝包装箱 ·背心运输箱 ·T型扳手1套 ·摄像机电源线1根 ·监视器电源线1根 ·BNC视频线2根 ·3/8英寸锁紧螺钉 ·1/4英寸锁紧螺钉 ·快速释放销 ·快装板
致力于效率,方便使用,和高质量、Movcam提出了全新的专业相机结合剂系统——前卫的宝贵的反馈T从我们的客户那里重挖,经过多年的研究和先进技术。It is the remarkable representative product of Movcam development team.它是卓越的代表产品的Movcam开发团队。It stands for the new level for the broadcasting stabilizers.它代表了新水平,为广播稳定器。
Avant T satisfactorily fulfills the work requirements for film camera and HD Camera.令人满意地履行工作T前卫的要求和高清数字相机胶片相机。
Perfect Dynamic Balance完美的动态平衡
Perfect dynamic balance is the core of excellent stabilizing system.完美的动态平衡是最核心的优秀稳定系统。Avant T impresses users with its extraordinary performance in dynamic balance.前卫的用户提供其超凡T印象深刻表现在动态的平衡。It enables the operators to capture any motion in any terrain.它使运营商在任何地形捕捉任何运动。
Unique Mechanics Design独特的力学设计
The mechanical rendition of the arm is interpreted differently by different companies.曲的机械手臂的诠释是由不同的公司。Supported and favored by many professional operators, Movcam advocates sensitive, smooth as well as forceful mechanical performance of the arm.支持而深受许多专业经营者、Movcam提倡者敏感,光滑以及手臂的有力的力学性能。
Flexibility and Efficiency灵活性和效率
Avant T\'s flexibility is beyond imagination.T的灵活性是前卫的,超乎想象。It is largely a result of its modular design.这很大程度上是由于它的模块化设计。Structurally, Avant T is more compatible than its precedents.从结构上来讲,前卫的T是比它更相容的先例。It works with different cameras and accessories wonderfully, providing more options for future upgrading and maintenance.它运作在不同的相机和配件,提供更多的选择金碧辉煌的对未来的升级和维护。
Great Ease in Operation这样做是很容易的操作
Avant T is easy to adjust dynamic balance and is easy to maintain the balance in shooting.T是前卫的动态平衡调节方便,并易于维持平衡在射击。Precision gimbal allows smooth and quiet rotation the way operators desire.精密万向节允许光滑和安静的旋转的方式运营商的欲望。Its reversible arm rod makes both left hand and right hand operation possible and easy.臂杆既叫它的可逆运行的左手和右手可能的和容易。The compatibility of Avant T promises addition of different accessories convenient and quick.前卫的承诺的相容性不同的附件除了T方便快捷。
More Economical and More Practical更经济、更实用
Every model in Avant Series is very economical but practical, to which Movcam is committed.每一个模型在前卫而实用系列是非常经济实惠,Movcam承诺。Avant T is functionally versatile.前卫的T是功能的通用性。Quick and easy pre-shooting preparation and smooth shooting can be perfectly achieved despite the shooting mode and camera types.快速和容易的pre-shooting准备和顺利拍摄,完全能达到尽管射击模式和相机类型。The open design for Avant T facilitates its future upgrading in function and configuration.开放式的设计为便于其未来的升级前卫的T在功能和结构。
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