1996 年成立于英国伦敦,目前在全球有超过350名员工。于好莱坞8大影视公司:华纳兄弟公司、米高梅电影公司、派拉蒙影业公司、哥伦比亚影业公司、环球电影公司、联美电影公司、20世纪福克斯、迪士尼电影均有深度合作,并于国际多家影视特效公司:Industrial Light and Magic 、Weta Digital 、Digital Domain 、Image Works等公司有诸多业务合作。

  • 大中华区技术指导 (北京)月薪:10k-40K

    Strong knowledge of 2D and 3D workflows, techniques, and applications. Must know Nuke
    with experience using all aspects of the product in production. Must also have experience
    with at least one of: MODO, Maya, Houdini, or 3ds Max. MARI and other Foundry product
    experience will be considered an asset.
    • Minimum two years production experience with NUKE.
    • Must be familiar with production techniques specifically related to animation and VFX using
    both 2D and 3D software.
    • Experience in at least two of our client markets. (Commercials, Feature Film, Design,
    Illustration, Animation)
    • Experience in the fields of technical/commercial illustration, product design, or
    CAD/Industrial Design as asset.
    • Excellent communication skills with excellent listening and spoken and written English.

    2015-07-22 15:29发布

网站地址 http://www.thefoundry.co.uk

关注微博 @The Foundry


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