今年6月份伦敦举办的媒体节目制作展上,有一个名为「对传统影视行业最具颠覆性的5个技术」论坛,论坛主持人先抛出了一个观点,包含了5个颠覆性技术,Exponential technology 指数技术
The Netflix effect Netflix效应,FPGAs,AI and ML,5G,其中很多参与者认为Netflix 是对传统影视行业最具有颠覆性的。
Netflix 从DVD到流媒体每一步都具有颠覆性,2017年,Netflix的总收入达到110亿美元,与美国总票房持平。2018年5月25日,Netflix的市值达到1526亿美元,超过迪士尼的1518亿美元,成为了全世界最大的媒体公司。
Netflix是一家值得大家好好的研究的公司,如果将来您有机会参与Netflix 影片创作,我觉得这些对你有帮助。
Netflix 对于创作者拍摄作品有自己的技术要求和严格的审核标准。
对于摄影机和格式,Netflix 标准和要求:原文出处:https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000579527-Cameras-and-Image-Capture
Cameras and Image Capture
Camera Requirements
4K UHD Resolution:
- Camera must have a true 4K UHD sensor (equal to or greater than 3840 photosites wide).
Recording Format:
- Minimum of 16-bit Linear or 10-bit Log processing
- Bitrate of at least 240 Mbps (at 23.98/24 fps) recording
- Recording format must be set to either:
- RAW (uncompressed or lightly compressed sensor data)
- COMPRESSED (Log Gamma - i.e. S-Log3, V-Log, CanonLog3, REDLogFilm, BMDLog, LogC, etc.)
- No looks or color corrections should be baked into the original camera files.
- Files must maintain all metadata (i.e. Tape Name, Timecode, Frame Rate, ISO, WB, etc.)
首先必须具备真正的4K 传感器哈!
Black Balancing:
- If applicable, black balancing of camera sensors should be done daily, when the camera is at normal operating temperature. See specific black balancing instructions in the camera operating manual.
Aspect Ratio / Framing:
- Aspect ratios greater than 2.00:1 must be evaluated and discussed with Netflix for approval.
- Framing chart must be shot before principal photography begins, and processed through the dailies pipeline which will be shared with editorial, post-production, and VFX.
Secondary Cameras:
- Any cameras other than the primary camera (crash, POV, drone, underwater, etc.) must be approved by Netflix.
- Test footage should be shot and provided to dailies and post-production to ensure compatibility with primary camera.
Approved Cameras
The cameras listed below meet the minimum resolution and recording requirements listed above. This list is not exhaustive; additional approved cameras may be available.
下面是官方认证许可,可以用来拍摄Netflix 作品的摄影机
Note: Detailed production guides for ARRI cameras can be found here.
我们看到最新的更新的数据,阿莱只有2款摄影机是被允许的,那么最受中国摄影师喜欢的阿莱 MINI 为啥没有呢? Netflix 工作人员工作很严谨哈,人家说阿莱 MINI 不是真正的4K传感器。
关于阿莱 MINI不被许可的回复!
Note: Detailed production guides for Canon cameras can be found here.
Note: Detailed production guides for Panasonic cameras can be found here.
Note: Detailed production guides for RED cameras can be found here.
Note: Detailed production guides for Panavision cameras can be found here.
Note: Detailed production guides for Sony cameras can be found here. A Production Technology Advisory has been issued for the Sony Venice.
通过一些资料,我找到近些年Netflix 影片用到的机器。
MindHunter Camera Package:
- RED Xenomorph Dragon
- RED Dragon
- Leica Summilux-C lenses
- Aspect Ratio – 2.20 : 1
- Dolby Vision
- HDR10
- Redcode RAW (6K)
Stranger Things
Image: Stranger Things via Netflix
For Stranger Things (seasons 1 and 2), the Netflix original series also turned to RED cameras.
Stranger Things Camera Package:
- RED Epic Dragon (Season 1)
- RED Weapon Helium (Season 2)
- Leica Summilux-C lenses
- Redcode RAW (6K and 8K)
Master of None
Image: Master of None via Netflix / Panasonic.
The Aziz Ansari-led comedy series Master of None turned to the Panasonic VariCam.
Master of None Camera Package:
- Panasonic VariCam 35
- Lenses
- Cooke Speed Panchro
- Varotal
- Zeiss Super Speed
- Angenieux HR
- Optimo
- P2
- Aspect ratio — 2.35 : 1
American Vandal
American Vandal Camera Packages:
- RED Weapon Dragon
- Lenses
- Leica Summicron-C Primes
- Fujinon Cabrio
- Apple iPhone
- Aspect ratio — 2.00 : 1
Ozark Camera Package:
- Panasonic VariCam 35
- Lenses
- Cooke S4
- Zeiss Super Speed
- Hawk V-Lite
- V-Lite Vintage ’74 Lenses
- Aspect ratio — 2.00 : 1
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The comedy series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt used a RED Dragon package for its primary camera.
Netflix Marvel Original Series
Marvel Series Camera Packages:
- RED Epic Dragon
- Daredevil
- Zeiss Master Prime
- Angenieux Optimo Lenses
- Luke Cage
- Panavision Primo Lenses
- Cooke S4
- Jessica Jones
- Panavision PVintage Lenses
- The Punisher
- RED Weapon Dragon
- Iron Fist
- Panavison Primo 70 lenses
- The Defenders
Last Chance U
F55 ,fs7 A7
The Confession Tapes
佳能 C3002
今天就先到这,下回继续帮大家收集一些资料,对于数字摄影机,如果您有兴趣,欢迎扫描下方二维码 加好友,拉您进入 数字摄影机交流群,备注:摄影机
买99元VIP会员,立刻就送600元大礼包,购买VIP会员地址:https://cinehello.com/minaapp/product?id=748 赠送物品下图,买了VIP ,天天都是双十一!
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